This is something I realize more and more each day. . .I am flawed! FYI, this will come as absolutely NO surprise to those around me.
The problem is not with my flaws but with the way that I have spent the last few years perceiving them. I understand this but for some reason have been unable to shake the feeling of being damaged the last couple of years. So I have been looked for a way to change the way I think (and being flawed I have failed for the time being ).

Then a friend called and asked if I wanted to read a book with her. I said yes very quickly without actually looking at the subject manner. . .that will teach me!!
Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing the Lies About Who You Are So You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be is a best-selling book by Rachel Hollis and is described as mixing up a "memoir, motivational tips, Bible quotations and common-sense girl talk."
Perhaps looking at the lies I tell myself will help me to rediscover that the flaws I have are simply slight imperfections that make me who I am...unique, maybe even a bit special.

Here is to seeing if I can change my perception to beautifully flawed rather than irreparably damaged!
I sure hope so, I hope that is is one of the steps that will lead to me being able to engage in my year of delight!!