Sunday, September 26, 2010

Friends make us rich.

There has been much going on, I have been busy with a number of projects but it seems as though they just meld into one another. Work, Gallery 7 (be sure to check out Peter Pan), kids, friends, and trying to look at a new business....that is just a typical week :)

What stands out from this week is friends...I have a boat load of super fantastic friends!! These are the people who know me the best, who love me the most and who enjoy spending time with me! I am very blessed to be surrounded by loving people who genuinely care what is going on in my daily life. Sometimes I feel guilty as my life tends to be very busy and I feel as though I do not have enough time...but anytime I am fortunate enough to have an evening for my friends it is as though we have never been apart and I enjoy catching up with them and their lives...

Last week I had dinner with a friend that I had not seem for 22 years, it was like no more than a few days had past....this week I had dinner with my friend who has stood by me through the toughest days of my life, how I love her....I have a friend who is about to start a family and I was able to play with her belly and bond with her new baby, thank God she loves me enough to allow me this personal space invasion :) ....Saturday I had coffee with a relatively new friend who knows me so well it is sometimes scary, how I love that she does not fall for any old friend called me, I was able to give her words of encouragement as she goes through one of the roughest times of her life, they were definately God given.....tonight a friend brought me fabulous, warm chocolate cookies while dressed in her jammies cuz I asked her to on facebook (I did not expect her to show up but was glad she did)....These are only a few of the friend encounters that I have been priveledged to experience this past week and I must say that to look at them this closely I realize that God has blessed me much more richly than I deserve!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Well this is frustrating...

I want to update this blog...I am halfway there but for whatever reason am having a hard time with some of the font size and makes me want to use VERY unpleasant language. Why, because it makes me feel inadequate, it means I still can not use computers properly and quite frankly that drives me crazy!!

Oh well I have spent more time than I care to trying to fix it so for now it will stay like this, one day I will get some help and see what the heck I am doing wrong....until then I will just continue to ramble my thoughts on to the pages of this blog and hope that someone will actually find it somewhat interesting....if not, I guess it is still better than watching TV .

This past week has been busy--I am never sure where the time goes but I always seem to be on the go and there is never much time left over. Sunday marks the beginning of my teaching year and I am quite pleased with the new room and set up...not sure what kind of kids I will get this year but we will focus on the books of the Bible and why the Bible is important. Heading to see Aerosmith this week and I am very excited about seeing them...thanks Cathy!!

Well for now I think it is time for bed...been a long day and Diabetes Association will be here first thing to pick up boxes so I need to get everything ready.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Fiscal Year has now begun!

Today marks the end of holidays and the start of what I lovingly refer to as my fiscal year...I suppose this is the last one as Jordan heads in to his final school year but that is another post.....I was able to go to Cirque de Soliel Kooza last week and it was amazing!! Iona and I had Tapis Rouge was sooo much fun that it would take a paragraph to put down all the experiences!! We are SO going to do it again!! After that a week of relaxation in Kamloops with Patti and was a great way to end the summer and I am so glad that I have such wonderful friends that I can take time to enjoy life with.

As I prepare for tomorrow I wonder what new routines I will start, which ones I will continue and what aspects of my life will take a turn and change. For me, fall is much like beginnings. As usual it will be busy with regular parenting, work, a Monday night study, Gallery 7, Sunday School and with any luck at all a class or two...I am also planning on starting to walk mornings again in order to be able to complete the Sun is a crazy notion and I wonder what the heck I am thinking but by putting it into print it will be harder to back down. (I hope that 5:30 am will be kind to me) I have also decided that although part of my job is to read, it is time to further expand my reading by engaging in at least one classic every few months, I do not want to limit my reading to the Christian genre which I am immersed in. Now please do not misunderstand, I love my job and the amazing authors and content it allows me to explore however I want to broaden my reading materials to include the vast store of classic literature that we have access to. That said I intend to read the top 100 books of all time simply because I can, thank you Lord that you have allowed me to live in a culture of free will and the right to choose!!

Well it is time to go and pick up Jordan but I wanted to write something...I have another post in mind but it will have to wait until I have done a bit more studying, for now lets just be grateful for the start of fall, the memories of summer and a God who loves us in such an incredible way!!