Sunday, September 26, 2010

Friends make us rich.

There has been much going on, I have been busy with a number of projects but it seems as though they just meld into one another. Work, Gallery 7 (be sure to check out Peter Pan), kids, friends, and trying to look at a new business....that is just a typical week :)

What stands out from this week is friends...I have a boat load of super fantastic friends!! These are the people who know me the best, who love me the most and who enjoy spending time with me! I am very blessed to be surrounded by loving people who genuinely care what is going on in my daily life. Sometimes I feel guilty as my life tends to be very busy and I feel as though I do not have enough time...but anytime I am fortunate enough to have an evening for my friends it is as though we have never been apart and I enjoy catching up with them and their lives...

Last week I had dinner with a friend that I had not seem for 22 years, it was like no more than a few days had past....this week I had dinner with my friend who has stood by me through the toughest days of my life, how I love her....I have a friend who is about to start a family and I was able to play with her belly and bond with her new baby, thank God she loves me enough to allow me this personal space invasion :) ....Saturday I had coffee with a relatively new friend who knows me so well it is sometimes scary, how I love that she does not fall for any old friend called me, I was able to give her words of encouragement as she goes through one of the roughest times of her life, they were definately God given.....tonight a friend brought me fabulous, warm chocolate cookies while dressed in her jammies cuz I asked her to on facebook (I did not expect her to show up but was glad she did)....These are only a few of the friend encounters that I have been priveledged to experience this past week and I must say that to look at them this closely I realize that God has blessed me much more richly than I deserve!