Monday, December 31, 2012

As white as snow

So the end of 2012 is near and as I sit reflecting I am able to watch the beautiful snow fall. That may not be very exciting in some areas, but here in southern BC snow is a rarity....and the big beautiful flakes make me think ""Come now, let's settle this," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow. Isaiah 1:18" Somehow it seems fitting that on the eve of the day we traditionally think of as a new beginning, God would send this (anyday) we can ask and our sins will no longer be scarlet, they will be forgiven and we once again as pure as snow....this a promise that gives us hope!

As I watch the flakes drop I am aware....

I am aware of their delicate beauty. I am aware that the first few that fall, as intricate and unique as they are, must sacrifice their shape as they hit the ground melting. I am aware that  as more follow, they slowly start to build on one another until the white is seen and the depth increases, the trees start to grow heavy and the ground changes color. I am aware if it were not for those first flakes preparing the surface the beauty of those that follow would not have a place to rest and accumulate.

I am aware that without that first sacrifice, we would miss the beauty completely. I pray I will not forget that this coming year.

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