For the last three weeks I have worked on a new schedule designed to restore my health....
-I am waking up earlier in order to start my day with a nutritious breakfast (for the record, I hate eating before 11:00am) , after years of hate I have finally formed a truce with oatmeal and we are getting along quite well!
-Lunches and dinners have less carbs and I am trying to watch the sodium levels in honor of my high blood pressure.
-I have committed to going to the pool, walking and light yoga and a monthly massage to try and loosen some of the muscles that have atrophied due to neglect over the last few years.
-I am reading my list in order to both engage my mind and enjoy simple pleasures
In order to accomplish this I have started a food journal, pre-paid for days at the pool, combed the internet for new recipes, purchased a few of the books on my 2018 reading list and brought in a new reading chair (thanks Barb)!!
I am feeling good despite a 5 pound weight gain.....I mean seriously!!! Even so, I will continue toward restoration. Biblically restoration is to receive back more than has been lost to the point where the final state is greater than the original condition. The main point is that someone or something is improved beyond measure...and slowly I am being restored!