Monday, March 28, 2011

Guitars and new homes...

Ahhh, here I sit relaxing while Jack Johnson plays guitar in my living room....actually it is my talented young man playing but still it is one of my most favorite things to do.... I love listening to Jordan play any one of his guitars...he has a love and appreciation for music that makes me smile from the inside out, it is one of our greatest bonding fact we have decided that our next big date will consist of dinner and *RUSH* much as I sometimes hate that my babies are all growed up I must admit that I also love the experiences we can share now that they are all grown up!!

Tif called tonight and they got the house!! I am so excited for her, she has worked so hard the last 5 years. I am so very proud of her tenacity, never did she let the circumstances of life stop her from working toward her goal nor did she expect others to pay her way. Now she gets to move from a not so nice basement suite to a townhouse with a real kitchen and some space!! Looks like we have some painting to anyone who knows me knows I LOVE to paint...stress daughter has also caught that bug so her and I will have some bonding moments while filling holes and sprucing the new place up!!! will be a bit crazy if we both end up moving the same weekend (Stefan and Jordan will be some kind of tired), guess it is good for them that we have not yet found a place to call home...besides Tif has now called the first weekend of May which also happens to be the G7 Gala and Go Fusion Makeover Fashion Show....damn, we are all going to be tired...good thing we have until June before we have to be gone, sometimes I wonder if my crazy life is for real!!

Well this was not at all how I envisioned this post...what can I say, I love my babies and they always supersede all other thoughts....I was going to update you on my makeover challenge but there will be plenty of time for that tomorrow, until then my friends I will leave you with this seemingly appropriate quote:

I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see.
~John Burroughs

1 comment:

  1. I have often said that I love the stage of parenting I'm presently in the best out of all of them so far...and for me it's spread out over parenting adults and a teen and a 10 year old. It's quite rewarding to see your kids do well, trying to make a positive change in the world. So excited for Tif and Stefan. That's awesome that they got a place. Now we just have to find one for you! It'll come...
