Saturday, March 26, 2011

I really should do this more often...

So much going on these days and no time to sit and blog it...sheesh. Over the past month I have continued to work out with minute results (here is the picture for the whole world to see), I have said good bye to my very best friend (which is devastating to say the least), had a few slaps in the face from work (which I will get over in the end) , come down with yet another lung issue (that will teach me for abusing my body for so long) and spent an evening with my birthday girl Julie at Bon Jovi (SO much fun!!).

All this makes it a bit hard to focus on one thing since I have only a short window of time before I have to go and run the 5K Makeover Challenge Race (well, I am sick so I will probably walk 2.2 and call it a good attempt). I have learned much about myself these past weeks, things I suspected and some that have come out of left field and hit me up side the head! Fist I would like to point out that even during the high stress I call life, these past weeks have been awesome, I feel better than I ever have and am finally motivated to continue improving my health rather than obsessing about the weight...which is a good segway to the fact that I have a much lower self image than I ever imagined...there I admitted it! I did not realize that I had spent a good portion of my life hating me and then my body, kind of makes you go hmmm. When I was a size 8 and looked great, I was in a time where I did not like who I was very much. I finally took control of my life and became a much better person only to transfer that hate to my now not so perfect body. Funny (not ha ha ) how the things we hear can affect us for so very long.

Anyway..did not intend for this to be a depressing post, I wanted it to be one that is thankful for the support of those who love me without fail (I will blog about Granny B later who did that with amazing flare!) I wanted you to know that after 8 long weeks I have finally lost 5 pounds and a total of 14 inches and plan on continuing the journey. I still hate the way I look but I am starting to see it in a different light, I am now more concerned with how I feel...this is a step in the right direction!

More about Granny B & Bon Jovi to come!!

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